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Monday, January 3, 2011

Lil' Darlin' Spotlights Melinda of Sweetfiend!

I first got to meet Melinda Toro, accessories designer for Sweetfiend, at a show earlier this year and have had several opportunities to vend with her. Let me tell you, she is fun to hang out with! She is such a sweetheart, very talented and creative when it comes to her accessories, that I thought it would be cool to interview her. For those customers of hers reading this, I hope you learn a lot about the gal behind the creations. Happy reading!

LDS: When did you start making accessories and why?

Melinda: When I was about 16, I seen them in stores and stuff but they were so expensive and me being a teenager of course I was broke,lol so I started making my own :) But now that I look back at them,yuck lol they were so not even cute compared to now!

LDS: That's funny! Did you teach yourself to make bows or did someone show you?

Melinda: Yes I taught myself :) I didn't really know how in the beginning but as time passed, my technique got better

LDS: I'd say it did. Where do you draw inspiration from?

Melinda: I draw inspiration from MY own likings. I make things that I will wear. If something's cute, but I know I won't wear it,I scratch that idea out of my head. I like to keep things original,with my own taste,but of course I will gladly make something for someone else's liking if they ask.

LDS: I totally agree with you on that one. Now I notice you do a lot of Hello Kitty. Is that because you are a big fan or because you get a lot of requests for her?

Melinda: It's a little of both! I don't know whats so amazing about that damn cat lol but I love her!

LDS: It's because she's stinkin' cute! Ok, so how did you come up with the name Sweetfiend?

Melinda: We were originally "pin me up cutie", but for some reason I guess it didn't seem right. So my cousin came up with Sweetfiend,and BAM! It was perfect,we wanted it to be cute, but yet dark,Sweetfiend!

LDS: That certainly does get your message across. How long have you been into the scene?

Melinda: What scene lol!

LDS: Ha ha! What was the greatest show you've vended at and why?

Melinda: I think you should know this! It would be when we did the Quakes show for Black Cat!
Why? Because I freakin love them and we even had an encounter with Paul,ohh man that was priceless!

LDS: Wasn't it? I totally didn't even recognize him since the first time I met him years ago. I guess it was because he wasn't wearing all that makeup. Now what was the worst show you've vended at & why ?

Melinda: I don't think I've had a completely horrible show. Sometimes we do super great and some we don't,but we always have a good at all events we vend at!

LDS: As long as you're enjoying it. What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?

Melinda: 10 yrs ayyyy... Well hopefully having my own business. I'm always home with my boyfriend saying I'm going to have my own little boutique selling cute stuff by day and turn it in to a bar by night. Ha ha, that would be awesome!

LDS: That would be awesome!

Melinda: But if not that, most likely happily married to my current boyfriend, with a house and some rugrats! And of course still having something to do with Sweetfiend!

LDS: But of course! Do you sew?

Melinda: I do sew! I'm just not that amazing...yet!lol!

LDS: What is it that you sew?

Melinda: I used to sew my own shirts back in high school with one of my closest friends,but I'm way too busy to keep up with that, but I do sew our head wraps, will make purses and other things occasionally.

LDS: Very cool. Have you ever thought of branching out into jewelry?

Melinda: Funny you ask,i have attempted and it wasn't much of a success lol. But I am working on getting some jewelry made for 2011!

LDS: Oh, cool, I can't wait to see what you come up with. Ok, finish this sentence: I know I've made it when....

Melinda: I go out of the country and see someone wearing a bow/flower, and being able to poke my bf and say"look I made that"

LDS: Dude, that would be totally cool! Do you often get random girls coming up to you telling you that they love your accessories?

Melinda: Ha ha, no,I don't think people actually really know me on a personal level,or really see the face(s) of Sweetfiend,but we do get compliments a lot. And I've had friends come tell me "yeah so I was at the store and this girl was like is that Sweetfiend,then we had a whole conversation about you, and I told her you are MY friend" . That always makes my day!

LDS: That is a pretty good compliment. So far, what is the highlight of your vending experience?

Melinda: Getting to meet new people,customers,and network!

LDS: I totally agree. Is there a show that you haven't vended at yet that you are dying to do?

Melinda: I would love to do more Black Cat shows! And I would really love to vend at a Guana Batz show. I love them!

LDS: That would be cool! Ok, on to the silly questions. Ever get hit on by a midget?

Melinda: No, but if I did I probably didn't notice lol

LDS: Ha ha! Did you ever have a crush on a cartoon character? If so, which one?

Melinda: Nope!lol. But I did love the White Ranger Tommy

LDS: Do monkeys scare you?

Melinda: lol no but I hate pigeons,omg I'm like pigeonphobic if that even exists!

LDS: Of course it does, it's called Ornithophobie (I just Googled it, ha ha!). When was the last time you saw a couple together & said to yourself, "what is HE doing with HER?"

Melinda: lol hmmm its been a while,but it's usually when I'm with my girlfriends lol,but hey looks aren't everything!

LDS: This is true. Ever have a dream where you have to use the bathroom, only to wake up & realize that you really have to go?

Melinda: Oh gosh yeah. Sometimes it was almost to late! Bahahaha!

LDS: Ha ha! Eeww!! Ok, so you just lost a bet. Would you choose to bic your entire head for a year (without being able to wear a wig or scarf) OR get the words I LOVE WOMEN tattooed on your chest?

Melinda: Wahhhh that's so hard! How bout I just lose the bet and pay them off to let me keep my pride lol.

LDS: That wasn't an option, but I'll give it to you. Ha ha! Would you skydive?

Melinda: Yeah, but I would have to be in the moment,cuz if not...oh hell no lol

LDS: If you slip and fall (but don't get too hurt) do you play it off or laugh it off?

Melinda: Both, I would be super embarrassed and feel stupid lol but laugh at myself.

LDS: I'm the same way. In your opinion, do real men wear pink?

Melinda: Ehh I don't know,to me a real man doesn't care what color he wears as long as he has the confidence to wear it!

I'd like to thank Melinda of Sweetfiend for allowing me to interview her. If you're interested in seeing more accessories from Sweetfiend, feel free to check out the Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1774556041821&set=a.1445049204356.60984.1176913731&ref=notif¬if_t=photo_reply#!/Sweetfiend.

Keep your eye out for the next interview from Lil' Darlin' Spotlights coming out soon!

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