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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I've decided to redirect my blog.....for now

A couple weeks ago, I was in the shower (where I do my best thinking), wondering what I should do concerning my blog. I started a blog to let others know about my business, but so far, I really haven't had much to say. I came to the conclusion that there are 2 main types of egos in the world: the first will talk about themselves, usually to the point where the listener is sick of it and would rather be engaged in an actual conversation where they get to contribute more than just, "mmm hmm" here and there. The second, which I figured was most of the population (including myself) like to talk about themselves, but also enjoy hearing about others. Of course there is a third, but I've decided not to highlight that type of ego, or lack thereof, as it will make the aforementioned look like a bunch of shmucks.

Ok, I digress. Any way, I can only talk about myself & my products so much, but there comes a point where the reader gets it & decides to move on. I don't blame them as I have decided not to follow many blogs because I'm tired of reading the same old stuff from them that I've read for the past months. Here's my idea (finally, I know, I ramble). I'm going to dedicate my blog to others, mainly those whom I've found on Facebook. Whether they're photographers, models, fellow vendors, etc., I will be featuring them, hopefully one each week, depending on when the interviewees get back to me. It makes for interesting reading, since I like to go beyond the typical interview questions (ie, What's your inspiration), plus how cool is it to say you're in someone else's blog for a change?

So, keep an eye out for Lil' Darlin' Spotlights, hopefully to launch the week of December 20th, just in time for Christmas! Tell your wife, tell your kids, tell your husband cuz everyone should be reading this blog.