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Sunday, August 31, 2014

Making Your Halloween Wishes Come True

Oh, Halloween. That time when you sweep the cobwebs from the corners of your house to put up fake spider webs and plastic spiders in their place. A time when you look forward to shopping for the perfect costume to wear to all the parties that you've been invited to. Or, if you're like me, a time when you start gathering all the thrift store finds that you've collected throughout the year to creatively put together the costumes for your children who are eagerly awaiting the night where they are allowed to go up to perfect strangers and gather a horde of candy to eat for the rest of the year. Yup,that time is rolling around. Again. I have been busy, as always, this time with new ventures on my plate, and realized that I have yet to put out a line in time to enjoy it for the season. It dawned on me: I absolutely NEED to get a jump on certain seasons. So, why not use Halloween as the time to put out a couple of somewhat "seasonal" Dannas out, even before October arrives? Yes, the word seasonal is in quotes. Why? Well, to those who aren't into psychobilly or into things that are a little "dark", people tend to see the Dannas that I've put out as being something they'd only wear during the Halloween season. So, with that said, here are two prints that I've actually had in the line since 2010 (I know, right?!) and one that I'm so proud to introduce to you. Why only three prints for the season? The other two ventures are keeping me busy.
The first one is our Tiger Stripes Danna. I won't go into detail as to why it got it's name, seeing as to how it's completely obvious. I thought the orange was perfect for Halloween, others may just like it because they love tigers. What ever your reason for liking it is, we hope that it tickles your fancy.
Then there is our Swanky Hearse Danna. I am telling you, this fabric is hard to find and I can totally see why. It's so cute with all the bright colored hearses driving around on the black background. There are even little coffins here and there falling out of the back of a few! A little macabre? Maybe, but the artwork is cartoonish, so I think it makes it look adorable. Don't judge.
Last but not least is......drumroll please........Kitty Eyes Danna! It's so basic but it is currently my favorite. Yellow cat eyes are peppered all over the black fabric. I will admit, I thought the eyes were going to be glow in the dark, so I was triple excited. After holding it up to the light and then running to my son's dark room to see if my hunch was correct (yes, I literally ran like an excited little school girl)I came to the realization that it was not glowing. Boo! But that's ok, it's still cute and it's still my favorite. For now. Until I find something that I absolutely NEED to put out for the masses to get their hot little hands on. In case you're wondering how to actually put one on, here's a tutorial I did which will show you the basic hairstyle you can wear while sporting a Danna. Happy viewing and as always, happy shopping!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

For the Love of Patterns: Vintage Vogue Pattern V8811

You don't know this about me, but I have this obsession with patterns. Seriously, I really enjoy collecting them. Whenever I see that Joann Fabric and Craft Store is having a pattern sale, my heart skips a beat, my eyes bug and I can't help but mentally note the date of the start of the sale. When there is not a pattern sale going on, I like to jot down the number of the pattern so that when they do go on sale, I will know EXACTLY where to head. Yes, this is no joke. Any way, I figured I would introduce you to my vast array of patterns and the clothing that has come out them. My goal is to make at least one garment out of each of my patterns. I also have patterns for the rest of my family, but I doubt they'll allow me to post their pictures on my blog. Maybe? Hmmm.....we shall see. The first pattern I thought I'd feature is one that I used very recently. It turned out to be my Easter Sunday dress. I still need a belt, but I guess that will come later. Let me preface this by saying that I am in NO way an expert seamstress. I really enjoy it but am not a professional, so for those of you that are reading this and you ARE an expert, feel free to message me to let me know of a better way of doing things. I LOVE to learn tips and tricks from others. Don't be surprised if I use your tips in a future blog (with credit, of course). Let me introduce you to a lovely Vogue pattern from their Vintage Vogue collection, pattern V8811. It reminds me of a shirt dress, which is why I bought the pattern. I have many halter top patterns and a few button down patterns, so I thought I'd go a different route. Then there's the fabric. This peach and white fabric caught my eye. It reminds me of something that would have come out of the early fifties. I'm not an era purist, but that's ok, that's just me and my style.
The first thing I like to do after cutting out the pattern (bo-ring!) is I adjust it to fit me. I'm shaped like an inverted triangle, so although it's a great body type for a gymnast or swimmer, it's a tad off when it comes to patterns. Oh, have I mentioned that I'm short? Yes, I am slightly under 5 feet tall AND at the moment I use size 16 pattern (no, it's not the same as the size 16 you buy off the rack). I have to take in the back and chest parts of patterns or else the garment ends up loose. I like to eyeball it, since I'm a visual person, but if you need to measure your pattern adjustments, you may want to adjust the pattern first (use removable tape so you don't rip your pattern), make a muslin sample garment, then adjust the pattern again if it needs to be readjusted. Since I've done all that before (and ain't no one got time for that!) I went ahead and adjusted the pattern as I have before.
Don't forget, when adjusting your pattern to make sure that you adjust all the other pieces that will be connected to it. You will know this by the pattern markings (some have one diamond, other pieces have 2 diamonds, etc.). I like to set the piece that will be adjusted to the corrected piece on top of the corrected piece so that I can adjust it to match, like so.
Then there's the skirt. As stated before, I am just a tad bit taller than a little person, so of course I have to adjust the length on ALL my lower garments. I took up the skirt about an inch and a quarter or so, but I probably could have brought it up a little more. But I do enjoy the length of the finished garments, so all is well. Here is one piece of the skirt, I did the same to the other side.
I followed the directions TO A "T", as I always do with a new pattern. The directions were pretty good, the only complaint I had was with the joining of the skirt to the bodice. Normally, I turn the bodice right side out and pin inside the skirt, which is inside out, so that the right sides are matching. When I finish stitching I flip up the bodice & voila! They are perfectly joined and quite sturdy. With the way the directions had me do it, I had to stitch the free edge of the bodice nicely then join onto the front of the skirt. I don't feel that the two are joined very well, so the next time I make it I'm going to ignore the pattern directions and do what I'm used to. A bit rebellious? Maybe. So here is the finished dress on my mannequin.....
And here it is on me. I wore it all day on Easter Sunday. I even took a nap in it. Quite comfy, fit me perfectly and was a unique piece. Oh, why the solid color on the top and the print on the bottom? That's what happens when one purchases fabric without taking the pattern envelope to the fabric store. Another lesson learned. Gotta love patterns.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Lil' Darlin's Must-Have of the Week

My, my, my, it has been quite a while since I've blogged. Funny, because I have had so much to blog about. Work wise, that is. I guess I've spent far too many hours in the workshop and at venues than on the internet, but that's a good thing, right? I know, I need a balance. Ok, enough about the boring stuff, on to the merch. I had never worked with vinyl before, as it's thickness had deterred me, until one day I decided to reupholster our 1950's dinette chairs (3 down, 1 to go, needs rechroming, but I digress). After working with vinyl, might I say, I have a new found fabric that I simply adore. Then one day, I opened my worn makeup brush rollup case and thought "this black leather is SO boring. I need to make a custom one." And then it hit me! Why not make my OWN customized vinyl makeup bag (out of the leftover chair vinyl....waste not want not!) with an added twist. See, I have this favorite cake eyeliner that I tote w/ me when I travel and sometimes leave it in my travel bag and forget about it until I use it again at home. Well, switching it from one place to another becomes a nuisance, so why not store it WITH my brushes? No, really, why not? And with that, the Maven's Glam Bag was born. Yes, I'm well aware that makeup mavens around the country own a large amount of makeup brushes and would probably need a 5 foot roll up bag (wow, that's a lot of vinyl!). But for those times when you can't take your 4 cases of makeup and 3 containers of brushes, why not consolidate them into some actual essentials to take with as well as show off your style? The Maven's Glam Bag can hold 2 powder or blush brushes and has compartments for 7 smaller *dimension brushes. There's an inside top flap to cover over the brushes to protect from outside ickiness and 2 metal magnetic clips that hold it closed quite nicely. The inner fabric is adorable (you'll recognize them from the Dannas) and protected by clear, easy to wipe vinyl.
On the outside is the attached makeup bag which matches the inside fabric as well. It can hold (depending on the size of the case) a small powder compact, lipstick, mascara and other things essential to the beautification of a woman on the go, all secured by a 6" zipper. Did I mention the outside is gorgeous, glittery vinyl (insert girlish giggle here)?
Each Bag retails at $25.00 (plus tax if you're ordering from CA). At that price, why not buy 2? If you're interested, please place your order on the Lil Darlin Accessories page on Facebook. *makeup brush note: instead of buying pricey makeup brushes from makeup counters, why not purchase art brushes? They are just as great as the ones from the makeup stores, yet are less expensive Note: pictured here is Rose Tattoo 4 You on Lipstick Sparkle Vinyl

Monday, February 7, 2011

Lil' Darlin' Spotlights Judy Luck!

About a couple of weeks ago, I received an email via my storefront from a gal asking if I needed any new models for my products. I decided to take a looksie at her FB page and thought that she'd be a perfect face for Lil' Darlin' Accessories. I also discovered that she's a burlesque dancer, something that's always intrigued me, so I asked if she wouldn't mind doing an interview for Lil' Darlin' Spotlights. She happily agreed, so now I'd like to introduce you to....

Miss Judy Luck!

LDS: How did you come up with your stage name? Did you always go by Judy Luck?

JL: No, Judy Luck was something made up right when I decided to start performing in the Burlesque world. Choosing a unique name is never easy, but like most performer/model’s I chose to create my name based on people who inspire me. Those two people were Judy Garland and Frank Sinatra. Judy was someone I can relate to in many ways and despite her struggles learning choreography, she was an amazing singer, dancer and actress. Frank was also a triple threat, and of course amazingly handsome, my total dream guy for sure. “Luck” came from “Luck Be a Lady.”

LDS: That's how you came up with that name. Good name. So how did you get started in performing burlesque?

JL: Back in the day when MySpace was popular ha-ha, I was like most teenagers and spent too many hours looking up random users. I stumbled across many pin-up models, and then found Burlesque performers through them. I added almost everyone who looked interesting, one of which was Mr. Bobbie Burlesque. One day he posted a casting for an audition for background dancers. In the end I was picked with Lulu Lunaris to help assist him in an upcoming act. I knew nothing of this world, and my first performance did not go as well as I had hoped. But Bobbie saw something in me, and suggested I perform on my own. With his help I had an act, costume, and a show booked in no time. After my first solo I was hooked.

LDS: Which burlesque performers would you say are your influence?

JL: Past Performers- Rose La Rose and Zorita.
Current Performers- Victoria Vengeance and Orchid Mei

LDS: How long have you been modeling?

JL: About 6 years but when I was a kid it was hard to get me away from any camera.
LDS: Ha ha! Sounds like my kids. How long have you been performing burlesque?

JL: Also 6 years. I was only 17 years old and it was incredibly frustrating not being allowed to perform at so many shows. I could only perform at 18 & up shows, and there were not many of those. When I was 21 I threw myself a Birthday Burlesque show with performers I had met and loved when I first started, which gave me the ability to jump back into the scene and have people remember me again.

LDS: Wow, that is a young start. Do you make up routines or do you just wing it?

JL: This varies. Dance has always been a huge part of my life. I was trained in ballet and jazz, a member of dance team in high school, and my senior year became Dance Production President. I was always choreographing something, so now its second nature to me. In my acts I tend to choreograph at least half and leave some time to shimmy and shake, as well as leave time just in case there’s a wardrobe malfunction that I need to fix.

LDS: Speaking of wardrobe, where do you get your costumes?

JL: Something that I don’t think many audience members realize is that Burlesque performers make everything they are performing in. It’s our own ideas and construction you are seeing. Due to the fact that I can only do basic sewing, I have used the help of fellow performers and corset makers to execute my ideas. I do however rhinestone all my costumes, my snow queen act for example has over 900 rhinestones as of now.

LDS: Really, that many? That's amazing. What's your favorite part of performing?

JL: The audience, they can really make or break a show. If they are into what you’re doing, you get more excited. I feed off their energy.

LDS: I bet it's pretty electrifying. Tell me about your first performance.

JL: My first actual performance was about Bobbie not me, but I can say I was not used to being on such a small stage with the audience so close to me, and I missed a few steps. My first solo performance was at the Whiskey A Go Go. Bobbie and I decided to shorten the song and choreograph the entire act, because I was not quite comfortable improvising yet. The act went smooth, I had friends there supporting me, and I was on such a high when it was over.

LDS: That's cool that your friends were there. What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened while you were performing?

JL: Nothing embarrassing has happened to me because I’ve worked around whatever the problem was. But I have had my corset get stuck, a pastie fall off, slipped on fake money (no one noticed), and the weirdest of all… I had to cough in the middle of an act so I turned my back to the audience. I was so worried the people on the side would see and think I was about to be sick, but that’s when shaking your bootie is good for distracting.

LDS: Have you had any creepy fans?

JL: The question is who hasn’t? I notice many people are too shy to approach me after a performance or an event, but the ones who do tend to talk for a very LONG time. I get plenty of emails asking for used items of mine, but that’s a fetish and I find fetishes interesting not creepy.

LDS: What do you prefer, modeling or performing?

JL: Performing.

LDS: Why?

JL: Maybe it’s only child syndrome, but I can’t live without being on a stage for a certain amount of time. I just love the lights, the audience, and those few minutes when everyone is watching what you’re doing. It’s also over in a short amount of time. Modeling can be very draining with shoots being hours long and holding various poses, but my biggest problem … lack of food on shoots! I may be skinny but I eat, people!

LDS: Ah, a girl after my own heart. Ha ha! How do you keep in shape?

JL: Dance classes and eating well. I love to cook, and know what is going into my food. I cut out many processed foods and try not to eat out if I can help it.

LDS: In what other ways do you perform?

JL: Growing up, I played dress up with all my grandmas jewelry (she had tons), clothing, hats, etc. My favorite thing to play with though was a pair of uli ulis. I later found out she was a hula dancer with a troupe. Recently that has formed an even stronger bond between us, because last year I joined a band called The Hula Girls as a go-go type hula dancer. With elements of Rockabilly and Surf music, every show is always great to attend or be a part of, and I feel lucky to be amongst such wonderful people.

LDS: That sounds like fun. I gotta check out that band. What about hobbies? What do you do in your spare time?

JL: What spare time? If I do have any it is spent working on costumes or thinking of future acts. Beyond that…cooking, reading (biographies and history are my favorite); going to support my friends bands, and just spending quality time with the people I love.

LDS: Do you go to college?

JL: I sure do.

LDS: What's your major?
JL: Anthropology, with a minor in Dance.

LDS: What's your day job?

JL: I actually just got a new job. I am a dance stylist/assistant in a dance photography studio.

LDS: Oh, cool. What's your dream job?

JL: To work with Orangutans, travel the world and inform people what is really going on in our rainforests and how they can help.

LDS: That's very interesting. Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?

JL: I am a romantic so I will probably be married, still performing Burlesque when I can, and traveling to some exotic destination at least once a year.

LDS: Who does your hair & makeup for your performances?

JL: Me Me Me! And it takes hours!

LDS: Yeah, I bet. But you do a good job. Is there any advice that you can give to gals who want to get into performing burlesque?

JL: Go to shows, see what performers are doing. Take notes on costumes, acts, props, everything! Be as original as you can, because no one wants to hear “yeah that was good but I saw someone else do it better.” I love attending shows, I am amazed by all the talent I see and learn from others every day.

LDS: What about advice for aspiring pin up models?

JL: Practice poses, facial expressions, etc. in the mirror. Learn what your good at and what your style is. Pack snacks for shoots!

LDS: Packing snacks for anything longer than an hour is a must! Ha ha! Ok, be honest. Do you secretly listen to disco?

JL: Haha my Mom could answer this one for me! I HATE disco! Have you seen Detroit Rock City? Yeah… I’m like all those boys. I despise it in a big way! I used to shut it off in the car all the time, if it was playing at a wedding or party, I would go sit down.

LDS: I don't blame you. Ever imagine yourself booting someone in the forehead like the Santa Claus did to Ralphie in the movie A Christmas Story?

JL: All the time! Usually to give them a reality check. Living in LA my entire life, I see plenty of people who have this sense of entitlement or performers who get big headed when they have no right to.

LDS: Ho, ho, HO! Ha ha! Be honest again. Did you ever have a crush on a member in a boy band?

JL: Um totally! My walls were lined with NSYNC posters.

LDS: Which boy in the band?

JL: I loved Justin and his bleached curly hair.

LDS: Do you have any midget fans?

JL: Not that I know of, but I wish I did! There are some minis at Lucha Va Voom that I love!!!

That's awesome! Thank you so much, Miss Judy, for allowing me to interview you.

If you're interesting in seeing Judy Luck in her next performance, she'll be performing at the Sweethearts of Rock show, this Saturday, February 12th at The Airliner in Los Angeles. The Hula Girls will also be performing on March 5th at The Galaxy Theater. For info for these and future shows, please fan her on Facebook. http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/JudyLuckFanPage . A special thanks to Markus Alias for the live performance photographs.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Lil' Darlin' Spotlights Melinda of Sweetfiend!

I first got to meet Melinda Toro, accessories designer for Sweetfiend, at a show earlier this year and have had several opportunities to vend with her. Let me tell you, she is fun to hang out with! She is such a sweetheart, very talented and creative when it comes to her accessories, that I thought it would be cool to interview her. For those customers of hers reading this, I hope you learn a lot about the gal behind the creations. Happy reading!

LDS: When did you start making accessories and why?

Melinda: When I was about 16, I seen them in stores and stuff but they were so expensive and me being a teenager of course I was broke,lol so I started making my own :) But now that I look back at them,yuck lol they were so not even cute compared to now!

LDS: That's funny! Did you teach yourself to make bows or did someone show you?

Melinda: Yes I taught myself :) I didn't really know how in the beginning but as time passed, my technique got better

LDS: I'd say it did. Where do you draw inspiration from?

Melinda: I draw inspiration from MY own likings. I make things that I will wear. If something's cute, but I know I won't wear it,I scratch that idea out of my head. I like to keep things original,with my own taste,but of course I will gladly make something for someone else's liking if they ask.

LDS: I totally agree with you on that one. Now I notice you do a lot of Hello Kitty. Is that because you are a big fan or because you get a lot of requests for her?

Melinda: It's a little of both! I don't know whats so amazing about that damn cat lol but I love her!

LDS: It's because she's stinkin' cute! Ok, so how did you come up with the name Sweetfiend?

Melinda: We were originally "pin me up cutie", but for some reason I guess it didn't seem right. So my cousin came up with Sweetfiend,and BAM! It was perfect,we wanted it to be cute, but yet dark,Sweetfiend!

LDS: That certainly does get your message across. How long have you been into the scene?

Melinda: What scene lol!

LDS: Ha ha! What was the greatest show you've vended at and why?

Melinda: I think you should know this! It would be when we did the Quakes show for Black Cat!
Why? Because I freakin love them and we even had an encounter with Paul,ohh man that was priceless!

LDS: Wasn't it? I totally didn't even recognize him since the first time I met him years ago. I guess it was because he wasn't wearing all that makeup. Now what was the worst show you've vended at & why ?

Melinda: I don't think I've had a completely horrible show. Sometimes we do super great and some we don't,but we always have a good at all events we vend at!

LDS: As long as you're enjoying it. What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?

Melinda: 10 yrs ayyyy... Well hopefully having my own business. I'm always home with my boyfriend saying I'm going to have my own little boutique selling cute stuff by day and turn it in to a bar by night. Ha ha, that would be awesome!

LDS: That would be awesome!

Melinda: But if not that, most likely happily married to my current boyfriend, with a house and some rugrats! And of course still having something to do with Sweetfiend!

LDS: But of course! Do you sew?

Melinda: I do sew! I'm just not that amazing...yet!lol!

LDS: What is it that you sew?

Melinda: I used to sew my own shirts back in high school with one of my closest friends,but I'm way too busy to keep up with that, but I do sew our head wraps, will make purses and other things occasionally.

LDS: Very cool. Have you ever thought of branching out into jewelry?

Melinda: Funny you ask,i have attempted and it wasn't much of a success lol. But I am working on getting some jewelry made for 2011!

LDS: Oh, cool, I can't wait to see what you come up with. Ok, finish this sentence: I know I've made it when....

Melinda: I go out of the country and see someone wearing a bow/flower, and being able to poke my bf and say"look I made that"

LDS: Dude, that would be totally cool! Do you often get random girls coming up to you telling you that they love your accessories?

Melinda: Ha ha, no,I don't think people actually really know me on a personal level,or really see the face(s) of Sweetfiend,but we do get compliments a lot. And I've had friends come tell me "yeah so I was at the store and this girl was like is that Sweetfiend,then we had a whole conversation about you, and I told her you are MY friend" . That always makes my day!

LDS: That is a pretty good compliment. So far, what is the highlight of your vending experience?

Melinda: Getting to meet new people,customers,and network!

LDS: I totally agree. Is there a show that you haven't vended at yet that you are dying to do?

Melinda: I would love to do more Black Cat shows! And I would really love to vend at a Guana Batz show. I love them!

LDS: That would be cool! Ok, on to the silly questions. Ever get hit on by a midget?

Melinda: No, but if I did I probably didn't notice lol

LDS: Ha ha! Did you ever have a crush on a cartoon character? If so, which one?

Melinda: Nope!lol. But I did love the White Ranger Tommy

LDS: Do monkeys scare you?

Melinda: lol no but I hate pigeons,omg I'm like pigeonphobic if that even exists!

LDS: Of course it does, it's called Ornithophobie (I just Googled it, ha ha!). When was the last time you saw a couple together & said to yourself, "what is HE doing with HER?"

Melinda: lol hmmm its been a while,but it's usually when I'm with my girlfriends lol,but hey looks aren't everything!

LDS: This is true. Ever have a dream where you have to use the bathroom, only to wake up & realize that you really have to go?

Melinda: Oh gosh yeah. Sometimes it was almost to late! Bahahaha!

LDS: Ha ha! Eeww!! Ok, so you just lost a bet. Would you choose to bic your entire head for a year (without being able to wear a wig or scarf) OR get the words I LOVE WOMEN tattooed on your chest?

Melinda: Wahhhh that's so hard! How bout I just lose the bet and pay them off to let me keep my pride lol.

LDS: That wasn't an option, but I'll give it to you. Ha ha! Would you skydive?

Melinda: Yeah, but I would have to be in the moment,cuz if not...oh hell no lol

LDS: If you slip and fall (but don't get too hurt) do you play it off or laugh it off?

Melinda: Both, I would be super embarrassed and feel stupid lol but laugh at myself.

LDS: I'm the same way. In your opinion, do real men wear pink?

Melinda: Ehh I don't know,to me a real man doesn't care what color he wears as long as he has the confidence to wear it!

I'd like to thank Melinda of Sweetfiend for allowing me to interview her. If you're interested in seeing more accessories from Sweetfiend, feel free to check out the Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1774556041821&set=a.1445049204356.60984.1176913731&ref=notif¬if_t=photo_reply#!/Sweetfiend.

Keep your eye out for the next interview from Lil' Darlin' Spotlights coming out soon!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Lil' Darlin' Spotlights Leobarda Grijalva!

A couple of months ago I added this lovely lady, Miss Lucky Hellcat, to my FB friends list. Like many people, I add people that I don't know but share common interests with, especially since I am trying to drive more traffic to my Lil' Darlin' fan page. I had no idea who this talented lady was until I actually got to check out her work. AH-MAZE-ING!!!!!! I've only known men to be able to pinstripe, but seriously, this chick has got the art down! I have yet to meet her in person, but I was so happy when she agreed to be interviewed by me. So, without further adieu, the awesome, Leobarda "Miss LuckyHellCat" Grijalva.

LDS: First of all, how did you get into art?

Leo: Well I love love love art all my life, since the first day I can remember I always been fascinated by it. I can say that my inspiration for loving it was my father since he played the accordion I was obsessed with the metal flake and Swarovski's and art work on his instrument that I try to copy it and draw it.

LDS: Did you go to school for it? If so, which one(s)?

Leo: I only went to one college class at Fullerton College for one semester and I realized that I didn't really need it. I can be honest I was just born to know everything hahaha so I think? I'm the type of person that refuses to have someone teach me something, id rather figure it out on my own hehehehe im just like that.

LDS: What do you draw your inspiration from?

Leo: My inspiration is my family, friends, movies, magazines and vintage pictures. They always give me Ideas and I love to hear and see what they would like to see done and what I can do. Also when I go to Los Angeles I also get inspired by the architecture and structure of the buildings and people that just look crazy walking around. Also vintage magazines and cars and peoples fashion motivates me to create kool stuff.

LDS: How long have you been into "the scene"?

Leo: I can honestly say since I was 15, thanks to my bad ass gear head brother Eddie, he motivated me big time!!!

LDS: What do you do full-time?

Leo: Well for full time I have 2 jobs, I work for an awesome company and after work I do my art. I really don't go out that much anymore since my love for these 2 jobs keeps me busy.

LDS: What do you do in your spare time?

Leo: On my spare time I love to go to Los Angeles and walk around and sometimes take pictures or go to the movies and eat. Sometimes I like to clean up my art room and hang up all the fabulous art work that I collect. I also enjoy cleaning and dusting and rearrange all my Barbie's.

LDS: How did you come up with your name Miss Lucky Hellcat?

Leo: I actually came up with that name in high school hehehe…We use to have a "Greaser" Gang going on and we were called the "Hellcats" inspired by the movie "Cry-baby" and my nick name was "Lucky". When I got serious with the whole art thingy I wanted to have a nickname and I decided to keep "Lucky Hellcat"

LDS: I notice you're married. How did you meet your husband?

Leo: Well this is my favorite question hehehe, we actually met on yahoo profiles in 2000 and he sent me an inbox message introducing him self and had told me that he lived close to me. I at the time had a boyfriend but it wasn't working out for me and him, so we split and me and my now husband were messaging each other and calling each other for half a year before we met. We were friends before lovers and it worked out so great!

LDS: How long have you two been married?

Leo: I've been married now for almost 5 years. We got married in Las Vegas.

LDS: Do you have a favorite theme to draw/paint? If so, what?

Leo: Well I do have few themes I love to do for example I love the 60's fashion and wallpaper and bright pastel colors. I love the beatnik look and cute little children wearing costumes and Psychobilly and rockabilly and Pachuca look as well.

LDS: What's your favorite thing about "the scene"?

Leo: My favorite thing in the scene is looking at people's hair, tattoos or make-up and what there wearing. It tells me what kind of person they are and if there kool or not hahahaha…and of course the cars and music is a plus!

LDS: I noticed you're also into makeup. Is there any particular look that you'd like to recreate that you have yet to?

Leo: Yes there's this one look I've been aching to do and that's the Egyptian look with all the gold's and dark liner and eyebrows with the hat and gown geez I'm aching to do that

LDS: In life, what are your strengths? Weaknesses?

Leo: My strength is my husband and family and friends and my weaknesses is Barbies and purses and make-up and shoes geeeze I cant say no to either or…

LDS: What's your pet peeve?

Leo: My biggest pet peeve is people who want to get "deals" or don't want to pay the price on an artwork I do….ugh I hate it!

LDS: Do you do your own hair? If so, what's your favorite look?

Leo: Yes I do, do my own hair : and my deepest favorite look is the "Victory Rolls" or so I like to call it the "Pachuca" Look, because I have it down on the money and it's easy to do.

LDS: Have you ever gotten a perm?

Leo: Oh god no!

LDS: What's your favorite decade & why?

Leo: The late 1950's and early 1960's because I love love love the big hair and make up and short and long pencil skirts lil dresses and hats.

LDS: Regarding your favorite decade, what's the thing that you don't like about it & why?

Leo: The racism wars

LDS: What do you find yourself listening to when you are creating?

Leo: I listen to a lot of Psychobilly music and some Rockabilly and oldies and doo-wop and punk. Very rarely I listen to what new on the radio yuk!

LDS: Do you sew? If so, what do you make?

Leo: I use to know how to sew, dunno if I can remember doing it again, but I use to make mine and my husband Psychobilly vest and I use to sew all the patches and leopard materials for us.

LDS: Where did you grow up?

Leo: I grew up all my life in La Habra California

LDS: What's your dream car?

Leo: My dream car was always the 1960 Thunder bird and I'm very blessed to actually own one now.

LDS: What's the most memorable concert that you've ever been to & why?

Leo: When I saw the Stray Cats reunion at Hootenanny they kick ass!!! And I got to meet them all and take pics with them and chat for a bit. There awesome!

LDS: What's the worst show you've ever been to?

Leo: OMG probably all the Social Distortion concerts he's not a very nice person ugh….but I still like his music I just blur him out hahaha.

LDS: What kind of movies do you like?

Leo: I love love love all of John Waters films he kicks ass and I love movies that are 1960's themed like hairspray or crybaby. I also love mafia movies and scary ones too.

LDS: What do you think about rockabilly getting into mainstream culture? Do you embrace it or cringe?

Leo: I really embrace it, more power to the newbies hahaha. Shoot I rather see more rockabilly and psychobilly than anything else.

LDS: What was your first piece of art? Do you still have it?

Leo: My first piece of art was a painting that I did of my self holding a LARGE chocolate donut in kindergarten and I think my mom still has it.

LDS: Where do you see yourself in regards to your art in the future?

Leo: Well I see my self still painting in my art room; I like to be alone when it comes to art. And I would love to have a book of my art and maybe merchandise as well.

LDS: Where do you see yourself, personally, in the future?

Leo: Married still to the same man. Maybe some kids so they can carry the Lucky Hellcat torch hehehehe. And maybe move to Los Angeles in a warehouse studio so I can have my t-bird in the middle of the studio.

Now.....onto the silliness.

LDS: What do you think about man perms?

Man perms are gross but, if it makes feel good and look good more power to you.

LDS: Are you afraid of midgets?

Leo: LOL yes because I cant stop staring at them and I'm afraid if they cuss me out and I might step on them hahahaha….

LDS: When was the last time you laughed so hard that your drink came out of your nose?

Leo: Honestly like half a year ago.

LDS: If you answered no to being afraid of midgets, would you ever go to a midget rodeo?

Leo: I don't want to go they scare me hahaha

LDS: What do you think of moustaches?

Leo: I don't like them one bit, they bother me it's like kissing an old man eeekkk.

LDS: Do you ever watch those Valtrex commercials & think "eew!"?

Leo: Hahaha no I hardly watch TV.

LDS: Why was the mullet so popular?

Leo: I think the mullet was popular because people didn't want to get sunburned in back of there necks hahaha

LDS: Finish this sentence: Chocolate is ......

Leo: ....like getting high off of urethane paints stench…

LDS: Have you ever seen guys who still dress like they're 1975 basketball players cuz they think they're cool?

Leo: Yea and its super fun to look at them especially with there little shorts hahaha

I'd like to thank Miss Lucky Hellcat for this great interview. If you'd like to see more of her artwork, follow the link to her FB page: http://www.facebook.com/Lucky.Hellcat.Art
Keep an eye out for the next interview coming shortly.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Lil' Darlin' Spotlights Divine Moments by Jana

Welcome to my very first maiden voyage of Lil' Darlin' Spotlights. I am very pleased to introduce Jana Dougherty, a talented photographer that I met on a different website a while ago after moving to the current city we're living in. She is the owner/photographer for Divine Moments by Jana and a friend of mine. I got a chance to see her in action when I asked her to take photos for my website and was so happy with the results. Thank you again, Jana, for lending your talent to my website.

Now, sit back, grab a cup of Joe & enjoy my very first interview.

LDS: How did you start in the photography industry?
Jana: I became interested in photography in high school when I was the assistant photographer for the school newspaper. We had our own dark room and we got to process our own film and print our own photos. It was a lot of fun. It's been a hobby ever since but I became interested in doing portrait photography after my girls were born and I started taking their pictures.

LDS: What kind of classes did you take?
Jana: I haven't taken any classes. I did my senior project in high school on photography and had a teacher who was my mentor for the project. He was a photographer and took me out on photo walks to practice and teach me the basics and general rules of photography. The rest is pretty much self taught from talking to other photographers and reading books and articles... and hands on learning experience, of course.

LDS: Would you say you've always had an eye for taking pictures?
Jana: To a point, yes. I remember my project mentor looking through some photos I took on a vacation and he kept pointing out how well I used a lot of the photography rules in my photos. At the time, I had no idea what he was talking about but now that I have learned what they are, I can consciously use them in my work and get great composition almost every time.

LDS: What's the one mistake that amateur photographers make that gets under your skin?
Jana: I really can't think of any one thing in particular... to each their own. I guess maybe not doing anything to try and improve their work. Nobody is a perfect photographer... even the pros can still learn a thing or two. If they're just starting out, there is SO much to learn in order to really be able to produce great pictures and develop your own style. The "photographers" that start out thinking their work is perfect right from the beginning and don't think they have to do anything to advance their knowledge, are usually the ones that don't really move forward in their career.

LDS: You do many kinds of genres. What's your favorite?
Jana: I absolutely LOVE doing maternity photos. I think pregnancy is an incredibly beautiful thing and I love capturing the moments towards the end when the mother has already developed that bond with her unborn child.

LDS: Do you have a favorite shoot & if so, what made it your favorite?
Jana: The one birth shoot that I have done is, by far, my most favorite. To be invited into such an intimate and personal moment in someone's life, was such an honor and the whole experience was so emotional and beautiful, I can't even put it into words. I would love to do another shoot like that again. It was amazing.

LDS: Have you ever had any moments of sheer comedy on any of your shoots?
Jana: Nothing major yet... at least nothing that really sticks out in my mind. I'm a very lighthearted person as it is thought, so my clients and I are always laughing and having fun during our shoots.

LDS: What is your dream place/subject/theme to shoot?
Jana: My dream place would have to be my own studio somewhere. I dream of the day that I am successful enough in this business that I can afford my own studio and have it set up however I want it. That would be perfect. If I could get a consistent "side" gig as a birth photographer... maybe have my ad included in the packets that the hospitals hand out to their maternity patients, that would be wonderful too. Someday. =)

LDS: Any genre that you won't do? Why?
Jana: I had someone call me once asking if I would do nude portraits of her and her "girlfriend" to give as a gift to her husband. She said that she wanted the photos to contain "interaction" be tween her and her friend. Basically what she was asking for was for me to shoot porn for her husband. I said no. Not that I was judging her... like I said, to each their own, but I personally wouldn't be comfortable being in the middle of that type of situation. I try to keep my work classy and subtle.

LDS: Any thing else you'd like to add?
Jana: I am always open to suggestions (keeping the above mentioned exception in mind, haha) and love to expand my portfolio. I have my specialties but I won't limit myself to any one subject and love to try out new ideas. Some of the best photo shoots are the ones that are just random ideas.

If you're interested in booking any future photoshoots and you are in the Inland Empire, please feel free to contact Jana via email @ divinemomentsbyjana@yahoo.com She's featuring a special: 10% off any regular priced shoot for 1st time clients and 20% off any regularly priced shoot when you refer a friend who purchases a session. And here's a few samples of her photography.